Cloud migration is one of the best and biggest decisions for any enterprise that should not be taken lightly. There are many things that need to consider when you start working on cloud migration and adopt the best cloud migration strategy. Now it’s most important to do deep research and plan well so that you can avoid common mistakes. Cloud computing is the Future Trends of Cloud Computing in 2023 for organizations.
In this article, we’ll discuss the top 10 mistakes small, medium, and large size enterprises make when migrating to the cloud and how to avoid them.
Lack of Knowledge
A lack of knowledge is the big cloud migration mistake enterprises can make. To avoid this you first clear the objective of cloud migration and understand exactly what you’re trying to achieve with this cloud migration. How cloud migration can help you to get there.
Many companies want to shift their business operations to the cloud. But going in without considering important implications in minds can raise costs, make the transaction less secure, and can put your business on high risk.
When you are making a plan to move the cloud, do your homework first. Do complete research in your industry and find out what other companies are doing and assess whether the cloud is right for your business or not. Make sure you have a clear idea of what is the main objective that you want to achieve with your migration. Minimize the risk that is associated with a cloud move and adopt the right cloud migration strategy.
Lack of Planning
The lack of planning is another common mistake that organizations face when migrating their business over to the cloud. Moving to the cloud is a big deal that needs to be done with right cloud migration strategy.
Most businesses do a mistake by thinking that they can move their existing applications and infrastructure over the cloud easily and it is a route job. This thinking is not right and can lead to all sorts of problems in cloud technology solutions.
Instead, take the time and plan your cloud migration. Assess what needs to move first on the cloud and what can stay on the premise. Decide how you’re going to move your applications and infrastructure etc. And, don’t forget to have a solid backup and disaster recovery plan in place before you start the migration process.
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Wrong Cost Assessment
The major reason behind the migration of applications and infrastructures over the cloud is to save on costs. No doubt cloud migration reduces businesses IT expenditure on a large scale. So, it’s important to assess the cloud migration costs perfectly and properly before making the move ahead. This is only possible by following the best cloud migration strategy.
Many organizations make a mistake and underestimate the costs associated with the cloud migration process and end up spending more than they anticipated. To avoid this, it’s important to evaluate different cloud migration prices offered by cloud migration solution providers in the market. And choose the best service provider price that meets your budget and cloud migration objectives perfectly.
You should not assume that all cloud service providers are equal in services and prices. They all have different cloud migration structures, features, expertise, and pricing. So it’s necessary to compare them before making the right decision.
Wrong Risk Assessment
Another mistake enterprises make when migrating to the cloud is improper risk assessment. Whenever organizations move data off-premise, surely you are adding additional risk to your business environment. This is why it’s so important to assess the risks associated with cloud migration before you start. First of all, identify what sensitive data you’ll be moving to the cloud and put security measures to protect your data. To counter what goes wrong during cloud migration make a solid disaster recovery plan before starting.
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Start Migrating All At Once
One of the major mistakes that businesses make is to shift all applications and data to the cloud at once. This is often a recipe for disaster. No doubt it is an incredible waste of time, and resources and is complex, but also increases the risk of errors and downtime.
It’s recommended to follow an incremental approach for cloud migration. Do this migration step by step and you can start by shifting non-critical applications and data first. This will give you an opportunity to counter any problems easily and adjust to the new environment before migrating to more critical workloads.
No Regular Testing
Another common mistake organizations make while migrating resources to the cloud is improper testing of cloud migration. It’s recommended to test your infrastructure and applications thoroughly before and after cloud migration. You need to ensure everything is working as it should be.
Most enterprises make the mistake of assuming that their existing cloud migration tests have been done perfectly and it will be sufficient. However, it’s often important to do new tests or modify existing cloud migration tests and do some needful changes to ensure the proper migration tests.
In addition to this, don’t forget to test your backup and disaster recovery plan. This is one prominent area where many organizations fail and it can have serious consequences if something goes wrong.
Neglecting Staff Training
If you have a make plan to shift your data and application or use new cloud-based applications, it’s mandatory to train your staff properly. Mostly small, medium, and large size enterprises make the mistake of assuming staff will be training with the passage of time and can figure out the problems themselves. This kind of assumption often leads to frustration and errors.
For successful cloud migration or any kind of digital transformation, you need to train your staff so that they can use the new application and system properly. This will help to attain maximum efficiency in your business operation. This will also help you for a smooth transition and minimize the risk of errors.
Non-Consistent Monitoring
To ensure that your applications and infrastructure are running smoothly you need to ensure regular monitoring cloud environment.
Most enterprises make the mistake that their existing monitoring tools will be sufficient. But, it’s important and necessary to modify or create new monitoring scripts and processes, etc.
While monitoring the cloud environment, it is necessary to implement consistent monitoring to ensure backup and disaster recovery plans are running smoothly. Your trained staff should ensure that nothing is going wrong in your cloud environment and also you have a solid plan in case something does happen.
Not Any Exit Plan
While migrating your applications and infrastructure over to the cloud, if something goes wrong, it’s important to have a quick and comprehensive rollback plan in place. This rollback plan should work on time and allow you to revert back to your on-premise environment.
In one other example, you can implement a rollback plan such as data being accidentally deleted during the migration process. If you have a working rollback plan in back then you can quickly revert back to your on-premises environment and get your missing data quickly.
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Failing to Update Documentation
Finally, it’s recommended to don’t forget to update your documentation after migrating to the cloud environment. This includes differing tasks such as upgrading your network diagrams, runbooks, and application inventory. With the updated documentation process organizations can keep their documentation up-to-date so that they can quickly and easily troubleshoot any errors or problems that might arise with the passage of time.
The updated documentation might also include different things such as your cloud provider’s service level agreement, details of any support agreements, and contact information you have in place.
Cloud migration is the future of businesses. Migration of applications and data to the cloud can be daunting and complex, but to avoid the above-cited common mistakes you can adopt the best cloud migration strategy and make the cloud migration journey smooth, quick, and successful.
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